Tejal Shah (she/they) b. 1979 in Bhilai (India), lives peripatetically. Shah’s research-based practice is informed by queer-feminism, eco-poetics and Buddhism. Shah has worked across diverse media such as video, photography, performance, sound, drawing, and installation, and since 2017, her praxis is mainly non-object based. Shah facilitates participatory workshops investigating the nature of reality, consciousness, and the notions of self and other. These experiential journeys, rooted in the aesthetics of love and 

care, operate on a psycho-somatic and performative level, stressing multiplicity over duality or singularity. Hers is an invitation to embody interbeingness.


Shah’s works have shown internationally in museums, galleries, and film festivals including, 60th Venice Biennale, 35th Sao Paulo Biennale, 4th Kochi-Muziris Biennale, Documenta 13, Tate Modern, Centre Pompidou, and Rotterdam International Film Festival. Her works are held in important private and institutional collections such as the Devi Art Foundation (India), Lenbachhaus (Munich), Wolfsburg Museum (Wolfsburg), and Folkwang Museum (Essen).