Confabulations, an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Mahesh Baligais the artist's second solo with the gallery, after Looking Sideways (January 2009). Confabulations -- replacement of the gaps left by a disordered memory with imaginary happenings. - Anthony Burgess The works that I am showing are the attraction of the unusual and the fascination exerted by the unknown and unfamiliar. I try to be unpredictable in the process of making and leave myself dedicated to what my works need and do not confirm to any specific belief. This is the time I think of possibilities .And sometimes the inaccuracy is converted into strength. The unsaid and the invisible lead us to an unidentified terrain, to an unexpected new train of thoughts. The line is thin between truth and untruth. These works are constructed through destruction but the doubt that goes with a particular work ends up with its own solutions. I was earlier thinking more about looking but here I am also thinking of the shifting in the logic of making. Sometimes I work with three dimensional objects. These processes bring forth obstructions and give me a chance to explore the real that is in my head.


- Mahesh Baliga