For the apparent realism of SF (science fiction) has concealed another, far more complex temporal structure: not to give us images of the future - but rather to de-familiarize and restructure our experience of our own present.. – Fredric Jameson 
Like archaeologists of the future, we must piece together what will have been thought.
 – Timothy Morton 
Project 88 is pleased to present Rohini Devasher’s fourth solo exhibition, Archaeologies of the Future - Chaos and Coincidence. The title of the show draws inspiration from the seminal text by Fredric Jameson, which examines the functions of utopian thinking by exploring the relationship between utopia and science fiction. Devasher takes Jameson's title and uses it instead to cast herself as an archaeologist of new fictions and futures. 
Devasher's Archaeologies of the Future is a series of experiments and observations, constructed by observing, recording, fictionalizing, and imagining objects and spaces that exist at the interface between remote past and possible future, utopia and dystopia, the human and non-human. Comprising video, photographs and drawing, the work is a collection of new terrains, where skies, nomadic observation sites, telescopes and cyanometers, mix familiarity with strangeness, suggesting a new way of imagining the interconnectedness of things. Their only unifying characteristic - the uncanny and the remote.