Installation VIew
Installation VIew
Installation VIew
Photocopies of audience member's objects produced during performance
Photocopies of audience member's objects produced during performance
Performance still with Neha Choksi
Performance still with Neha Choksi
Performance still with Neha Choksi
Colour photocopies of objects procured by artist from immigrants to Bombay
Tagged objects labeled by audience members during performance
Tagged objects labeled by audience members during performance (detail view)
Video stills from various interviews showing immigrants unpacking their bags for the artist
Jyoti Dogra, collaborative performance
Anil Sahu, asking for hugs from audience members during his collaborative performance
Faezeh Jalali, collaborative performance
Karan Makhija, handing out cards collaboratively produced with Rehaan Engineer
Cards collaboratively produced by Rehaan Engineer and Neha Choksi
Who is in Town Anyway: Neha Choksi
Past exhibition