Section Yellow: Bani Abidi

13 September - 11 October 2010
The inspiration for the title of this show comes from bureaucratic reins that one has to face while crossing boundaries. In keeping with her earlier works like RESERVED, Security Barriers A- L and Intercommunication Devices, Abidi continues to explore notions regarding spaces, objects and situations that exert control over societies. As an artist Abidi is conceptual in her approach and works primarily with video and photography. Her works often consist of humorous moments from everyday life that she employs to comment on various political and cultural situations that concern her. The video and photographic works in the show Section Yellow are about people who are going elsewhere. The exhibition consists of her new video titled The Distance from Here. The work is a glance at the psychological effects that the entire process has on applicants queuing in lines to apply for visas. Through multiple frames and gestures Abidi builds up an anatomy of preparation, anxiety and patience. The entire video is a play on coercion using migration as a metaphor. Additionally, the exhibition also comprises sets of photographic works, Exercise in redirecting lines, Untitled and One of Two.