Rohini Devasher Awarded Deutsche Bank “Artist Of The Year” 2024

Deutsche Bank recognizes Rohini Devasher as the “Artist of the Year” for 2024. Born in 1978, the Indian artist studied painting and graphic art and currently resides in Delhi. In her intricate artistic endeavors, she delves into the intersections of science, art, and philosophy. Her expansive projects, often comprising groupings of intricate drawings, photography, sound and film, create worlds that emerge from deep research and scientific explorations, illuminating and complicating the subjects at hand. A departure from the conventional jury process, the nomination was made by a singular juror, Stephanie Rosenthal, Director of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi Project.


Rohini Devasher often collaborates with researchers, amateur astronomers, and global scientific institutions such as the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) and CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Through these collaborations, Devasher intertwines scientific experiments and research on the physical phenomena of perception with her own artistic materials, resulting in captivating installation projects.

Her most recent four-channel film, One Hundred Thousand Suns (2023), stands as an exemplary piece of work. Spanning material, ephemeral, personal, and historical dimensions, the work references over 100,000 portraits of the Sun captured for over a century at the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory in India. Through a rich blend of the observatory’s archival material, NASA public-domain images, and her own data collections, Devasher brings us the Sun, observed by hand, by photographic emulsion, by voice and memory.


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February 22, 2024
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