Art in Isolation

Sunaparanta-Goa Centre for the Arts launches its collaborative project – Surviving SQ (Self Quarantine) with an open call to artists to share creative ideas on coping with this period of containment and isolation. We take a deeper look at this wonderfully
Samira Sheth, Herald Goa, April 29, 2020

Sunaparanta- Goa Centre for the Arts has sparked a virtual conversation with Surviving SQ, inviting artists to share the ways we can connect and cope and get through this time. SGCA Patron Isheta Salgaokar and Curator Leandre De Souza explain the idea behind the project, “In this time when we find ourselves in various degrees of containment and uncertainty, the present crisis has pushed us to think about our lives, our relationships, what we will leave behind and if we get through this, what will be our new way to exist with one another and in nature. It has reminded us of the preciousness of our experiences and to be grateful for the simple and transient pleasures that life brings.”


SGCA has launched four original campaigns including the works of artists Pallavi Paul, Tanya Goel, Kedar Dhondhu and Ipshita Maitra.


In her evocatively titled work, Share Your Quiet, artist Pallavi Paul cherishes the power of silence. She invites people to send in audio clips of silence from their confined environments. These collective quiets are streamed weekly as a symphony of silence. Paul reflects on how in recent days, “noise and light seem to have become an index of public spirit. For those who have chosen to withdraw, it is important to hold a space for quietude. In silence things churn, relationships change and ideas are born - beyond the gaze and instruction of power.” As random people respond and share their quiet, the sonic experience marvellously amplifies the idea of a fertile silence.” 

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