‘Doab Dil’ by Sarnath Banerjee: Where the rivers meet

Twin streams, of words and images, drawings and colouring, converge into a seamless whole
Satwik Gade, The Hindu, March 1, 2019
The title, Doab Dil , is supposed to signify the heart of the convergence of twin streams: words and images, fiction and non-fiction, and so on. Sarnath Banerjee brings together an assortment of real people from around the world and gives us sneak peaks into their lives. Highlighting their quirks and imagining the reasons behind their idiosyncrasies, Doab Dil treads the fine line between fiction and non-fiction. So there is Charles Baudelaire speculating about Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s restless nocturnal wanderings; an anxiety-eaten Gurgaon CEO hitting golf balls into the night; a 9th-century Arab scholar getting his library confiscated.
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