The Noise of Life; the Life of Noise

Kaushik Bhaumik delves into the Desire Machine Collective's schizoanalytic archive of sound and sense
Kaushik Bhaumik, ART India, January 21, 2015
Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai and Project 88, Mumbai, present the Desire Machine Collective's first solo in India, Noise Life, from the 26th of August to the 31st of October. This show baffles visitors for many reasons. For one, there is a lot happening within it that seems chaotic and pointless. Then there is the interference between noise and image. This relationship between nosie and image occurs either within frames or between frames of performance. To make things worse, none of this is explained by the authors of the show, especially in terms of telling people what things within the works mean. Let alone meaning, the authors do not even wish to tell the audience what the things we see or hear are. Much of that is familiar is distorted to the point of non-recognition and there is a lot that is unfamiliar. Such distortions will make easy 'recognition' of elements of the work as referencing teh familiar or the known historical close to impossible.
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