Raqs Media Collective Interview: 1980 in Parallax

Eszter Steierhoffer, Jencks Foundation, July 12, 2023

1980 in parallax is a new exhibition by New Delhi-based Raqs Media Collective. For the past three decades, the Collective’s work has been located at the intersections of contemporary art, historical enquiry, philosophical speculation, research and theory – a hybrid practice and methodology that finds correspondence with Charles’ work as designer, critic and historian. Their exhibition centres around a new film commission titled The Bicyclist Who Fell into a Time Cone which reappropriates the term parallax to describe perceptions of a particular moment in history. In this interview with Jencks Foundation Artistic Director Eszter Steierhoffer, Raqs Media Collective members Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi and Shuddhabrata Sengupta discuss their new work and exhibition on view at The Cosmic House from April to December 2023.

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