Review: art collective The Otolith Group creates 'a science fiction of the present'

Xenogenesis on view at Sharjah Art Foundation until February explores themes of alienation and looks at the world from an extraterrestrial perspective
Nadine Khalil, The National News, December 23, 2021

"At the very end, this experimental drummer called Charles Hayward, plays 16 musical instruments for six hours, creating all kinds of percussion from gongs to cow bells to darbukas. We told him to imagine sheep bells in Sardinia …”


Kodwo Eshun, one-half of the art collective The Otolith Group, which also comprises Anjalika Sagar, is describing the process behind a particularly mesmerising scene in their film, People to be Resembling (2012), currently showing as part of the exhibition Xenogenesis at Sharjah Art Foundation, featuring a selection of their work from 2011 to 2018.

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