Art Histories of a Forever War

Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Editors, e-flux, October 24, 2021

The Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) is delighted to present Art Histories of a Forever War: Modernism between Space and Home


In the face of renewed geopolitical interests in Taiwan, technological warfare and planetary crises that demand new shared global visions, the exhibition is a provocative art historical charting of Cold War legacies into the contemporary. Based on a research project by guest curators Kathleen Ditzig and Hsu Fang-Tze, it constellates the development of modern art in Taiwan as part of a global history and presses the urgent question: In an increasingly divided world, can art write over the lacunas of history and geopolitics?


As the Free Face of China, The Republic of China in Taiwan represented one of the ideological frontlines of the Cold War. “Aesthetic Networks of the Free World” reviews modern artists from Taiwan and their development of an international language of Chinese modern art as they navigated the networks of US-aligned countries. Presented alongside, Prajakta Potnis’ installation Kitchen Debate (2014–) captures a persistent anxiety that emerged from these networks. 

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