Art Frieze moves its physical location in New York to the Shed while Indian galleries participate virtually
Georgina Maddox, MASH, May 17, 2021

We are told that the fair has left its ‘former home’ Randall’s Island, which many people reached by ferry, for the ‘Shed’, to the arts center in Hudson Yards on Manhattan’s West Side, which is clearly more easily accessible. There is a tight selection of

sixty participants. Amongst those, Indian participants are Nature MorteExperimenter, Jhaveri ContemporaryProject 88 and Vadehra.


Project 88 is showcasing the works of Mahesh BaligaAshwini BhatNeha ChoksiDharmendra PrasadAmitesh Shrivastava, and Risham Syed. In her Lahore series paintings, Risham Syed chooses the neglected rears of new buildings in the middle-class residential quarters with neatly done facades and unfinished backwalls. Places are not locations but sites for Mahesh Baliga, revealing curious cases which he views askance. Dharmendra Prasad remembers sites through the trees, fields, soil, and the wind. The home and studio become immaterial and reside as a memory. In Amitesh Shrivastava’s paintings, forms burst forth, assuming different role plays, making their way with an energy that is exuberantly animated.


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