'Out-of-place' rhino sculpture among highlights at new Herbert Art Gallery exhibition

UnNatural History will run during the early weeks of Coventry's year as UK City of Culture
Robert Rowlands, Coventry Live, May 1, 2021

UnNatural History will run from May 28 until August 22 during the early weeks of Coventry’s year as UK City of Culture. Organisers say the exhibition of works by international naturalists and artists will explore the link between art and science when it comes to natural history.


The exhibition will feature Raqs Media Collective’s life-sized sculpture However Incongruous as a contemporary reinterpretation of Albrecht Dürer’s Rhinoceros from 1515. Dürer had never seen a rhino in real life and depicted it with a horn on its back. In Raqs Media Collective’s work, the rhinoceros is reimagined as an out-of-place carousel animal.


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